IR Leader
February 12, 2013

CIRI Publication - Free to Members!

In 2013, CIRI's Guide to Developing an Investor Relations Program - Third Edition will be updated.  CIRI members will receive a complimentary copy of this highly valued publication.

Don't miss out on this valuable offer! Renew your 2013 membership in order to reserve your complimentary copy. That alone is a savings of $500!  CIRI members also benefit from a variety of other resources such as:
  • Highly rated professional development events
  • Timely and relevant IR publications
  • Excellent peer-to-peer networking opportunities
  • Proactive advocacy efforts representing the best interests of IR professionals
  • Exclusive access to the members only section of
  • Certified Professional in Investor Relations (CPIR) designation

Keep CIRI strong.  Renew your membership today!

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