IR Leader
October 22, 2013

Get Ready! Renewals Are Coming

CIRI is dedicated to advancing the stature and credibility of the investor relations profession and the competency of its members. Renew your membership for 2014 to continue to benefit from CIRI's services.

Here are a few great reasons to renew your CIRI membership:
  • An opportunity to voice your opinion on investor relations issues through CIRI's advocacy efforts
  • Discount for the CIRI/Ivey IR Certification Program, the precursor to becoming a CPIR
  • Educational sessions both online and in person at significantly reduced rates
  • Opportunities to learn from other IROs through mentorship programs, the Volunteer Advisory Network and networking events
  • Three timely, relevant online publications - IR leader, IR focus and wIRed
  • Resources that provide regulatory updates, benchmark the IR role and assist with IR program/policy development
  • Access to the listing of available IR positions
Please take a moment now to ensure your CIRI Profile is correct. Renewal invoices will be mailed in early November. Once you receive your invoice, log on to to renew.

If you want to reduce the cost of your renewal, earn Refer a Friend credits.

Not a CIRI member?  Then the list above provides great reasons to join. Click here to join now.