IR Leader
June 10, 2014

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Earnings Leaks: An Unintended Consequence in the Age of Dissemination Experimentation

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Joe Oliver Says National Securities Regulator Could Become Reality By Fall 2015

Canada's finance minister believes the government's long-sought goal of a single national securities regulator could become a reality by the next federal election, scheduled for the fall of 2015.

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Don't Let Directors 'Just Say No' For Shareholders

Shareholders should have the right to determine if they'll tender their shares in a takeover bid.

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Majority Voting Policy Now Mandatory for TSX-Listed Issuers

On February 13, 2014, the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) released amendments to the TSX Company Manual (Amendments) that require each director of a TSX-listed issuer, other than a listed issuer that is majority controlled, to be elected by a majority of the votes cast with respect to his or her election other than at contested meetings.

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Will the IPO Market Keep Its Momentum?

We've had a very active IPO market during the past year. A couple of reasons explain this phenomenon. First, institutional investors pulled back from the more risky initial public offerings after the crash of 2008. As the market recovered, the pension funds, mutual funds, and other institutional buyers focused their new investments on less risky large cap stocks. As a result, the large cap market recovered nicely. Institutional investors then started to look for opportunities for greater upside and discovered the IPO market.

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Public Companies: Board Should Review End-User Swap Approvals Annually

The Dodd-Frank Act permits certain end-users to elect to use an exception to the swap clearing requirements under certain conditions, which is referred to as the end-user exception. For public companies, the ability to elect the end-user exception requires a committee of the public company to review and approve the decision to use uncleared swaps.

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CSA Propose Amendments to Streamline Venture Issuers Disclosure

On May 22, 2014, the Canadian Securities Administrators (the 'CSA') published for comment proposed amendments to National Instrument 51-102 Continuous Disclosure Obligations (referred to in Québec as Regulation 51-102 respecting Continuous Disclosure Obligations) (collectively, 'NI 51-102'), National Instrument 41-101 General Prospectus Requirements (referred to in Québec as Regulation 41-101 respecting General Prospectus Requirements) (collectively, 'NI 41-101') and National Instrument 52-110 Audit Committees (referred to in Québec as Regulation 52-110 respecting Audit Committees) (collectively, 'NI 52-110'). The CSA concurrently published for comment proposed amendments to the companion policies or policy statements for NI 51-102 and NI 41-101.

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Exchanges Can Ruin High-Frequency Trading Benefits: Study

Exchanges risk making it harder for investors to get the best price by facilitating ever-faster trading, according to academics who examined Nasdaq OMX Group Inc. venues.

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Countdown to Canada's New Anti-Spam Law: Issues You Need to Know and Act On Now - Issue #2

Issue #2 - Express vs. Implied Consent to receive a CEM

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Cash Allowances for CEOs? They're Not Kids

Do CEOs need an allowance? Scores of corporate boards believe they do, and provide executives extra pocket money that would surely make your kids' allowances look like chump change.

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