IR Leader
July 15, 2014

CIRI Resource Library of IR Documents. Sample Documents Requested.

Based on responses to CIRI's Member Needs Survey, we are developing a Resource Library of IR documents that will assist you, our members, in developing and refining your IR strategies and processes.

To make this tool as valuable as it can be, we are asking for your assistance in pooling IR resources. We have suggested some documents below and would appreciate the contribution of these or other items that we may have overlooked. Feel free to redact the documents or adjust as you see fit to make them ready for sharing with CIRI members. Please send your IR documents to Yvette Lokker by July 28th.

Suggested Items:
      Annual General Meeting Checklist/Schedule
      Annual Report Checklist/Schedule
      Board Reports
      Competitor Analysis Report
      Crisis Communications Plan/Checklists
      Disclosure Policy
      Investor Day Checklist/Schedule
      IR Annual Schedule
      IR Budgets
      IR Strategic Plan
      Marketing Schedule/Checklist
      Media Kit Content
      Media Monitoring Report
      Media Relations Strategy
      Quarterly Earnings Checklist/Schedule
      Quarterly Earnings Call Checklist/Schedule
      Share Activity Report
      Shareholder Profiles for Management
      Social Media Policy
      Social Media Strategy
      Social Media Schedule/Processes

We greatly appreciate your assistance. We know that this will be an invaluable resource for CIRI members.