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On November 24, CIRI's 2014 Investor Relations Compensation and Responsibilities Survey was launched, in partnership with NovaShare Solutions Inc. The survey was sent to member and non-member corporate IROs. If you received an invitation to participate and have completed the survey, we sincerely thank you. If you haven't yet completed the survey, we ask that you please take the time to do so.
Deadline for survey completion is January 9, 2015.
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The Yearbook 2014 takes you on a virtual journey through the experiences of businesses and investors in the IIRC Pilot Programme, as Integrated Reporting moves from development and testing into the mainstream. You can travel from 2011, when the Pilot Programme was set up, to December 2014, exactly a year after the International Framework was released, and with the new Business Network now focused on implementation.
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Report on Business has examined the boards of directors of 247 companies and income trusts in the S&P/TSX composite index as of Sept. 1, 2014, to assess the quality of their governance practices.
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The Canadian Securities Administrators today published proposed amendments to a number of national and multilateral instruments, including NI 41-101, NI 44-101 and MI 61-101, intended to ensure that the rules applicable to issuers listed on senior recognized exchanges in Canada (for example, the TSX) also apply to those listed on Aequitas Neo Exchange.
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Davies has submitted a comprehensive comment letter on the proposed Provincial Capital Markets Act (PCMA), raising concerns over significant substantive law changes and a "platform approach" that allows for regulation by regulatory fiat. The PCMA is proposed to be adopted under the memorandum of agreement between the provinces of British Columbia, Ontario, New Brunswick, Saskatchewan and Prince Edward Island and the Minister of Finance (Canada) regarding the creation of a Cooperative Capital Markets Regulatory System. Davies' comment letter can be read here.
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The increasing prevalence of shareholder activism in Canada has significantly impacted issuers and investors alike in the Canadian capital markets.
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Total compensation rose last year for most executives, but a gap in pay between male and female executives persists, according to a Dec. 3 report by the Association of Executive Search Consultants.
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Two important developments have been announced that affect how Canadian reporting issuers can raise capital from their existing security holders.
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Peter Aceto, the CEO of Tangerine, recently said in The Globe and Mail, "I would rather engage in a Twitter conversation with a single customer than see our company attempt to attract the attention of millions in a coveted Superbowl commercial."
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U.S. public company proxy reports often discuss how nonaudit services may affect independence but seldom discuss audit fees and their connection to audit quality and disclose auditor tenure about half the time, a new analysis shows.
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How do you stop a simple transaction from devolving into a nasty shareholder dispute? Draft a good buy/sell clause.
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