Renew Your CIRI Membership
Have you seen our recently launched IR eLibrary, Phase I with IR documents contributed by your peers or did you participate in one of our free to member webinars that took place during the summer? Then you’ve had a taste of the new benefits CIRI is providing to members. And there is more to come in 2015, with subsequent phases of the IR eLibrary and two more free to member webinars, not to mention IR research to identify best practices and trends.
All of these resources are aimed at making your job easier and are available at no additional cost to you. We have been enhancing member value for years through these initiatives and others, such as advocating for IROs on regulatory changes and offering certification, and we have done this without increasing member dues, that remain unchanged since 2007.
2014 memberships expired on December 31. If you haven't renewed your membership, make sure you benefit from these resources, old and new, by renewing your membership today. Visit, login and renew to remain a part of this dynamic association of investor relations professionals.
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