When acquiring a Canadian public company, there is no one-size-fits-
all approach to dealing with its outstanding bonds. Generally speaking, the decision whether to repurchase the target's
bonds is not entirely within an acquirer's control.
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There has been a great deal written about the growing number of venture backed companies with billion-dollar valuations. While valuations are clearly high discussions about venture valuations can be misleading, because the valuation of a venture backed company needs to be analyzed very differently than the valuation of a public company.
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Hedge funds are well into the transition from bastions of alternative investment to being accepted into the mainstream investment marketplace. It is now estimated that global hedge fund assets under management amount to in excess of $3 trillion spread across a multitude of funds, management houses and strategies.
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If you've been following the saga regarding shareholder proposals for proxy access this proxy season, you know that around 100 companies received proxy access proposals and that the staff of Corp Fin has refused to express its view on the application of the exclusion, Rule 14a-8(i)(9) (conflicting proposals), frequently used to exclude proxy access proposals from proxy statements, leaving companies scrambling for other strategies to address the proxy access proposal.
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Investigators at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission are on the lookout for violations such as poor risk controls or lax disclosures relating to hacking and other cyber breaches, David Glockner, director of the SEC's Chicago Regional Office, said at the 2015 SEC Speaks Conference in Washington, D.C. last month.
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In January 2015, the
Staff of the Canadian Securities Administrators (the "CSAs")
issued notice 44-305, "Structured Notes Distributed Under the Shelf Prospectus System." The notice sets forth the CSA's views relating to a number of key issues arising in connection with structured notes under the Canadian shelf prospectus system.
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Canadian oil and gas companies will reveal more pain in the form of dividend and capex cuts during the next few quarters as they assess the scale of devastation inflicted by low commodity prices.
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In the business world, we all have dreams. Like investing in state-of-the art equipment. Becoming a partner in a major development. Expanding our company internationally. Realizing your goal takes more than commitment and hard work. It takes a solid source of capital.
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