IR Leader
April 14, 2015

Don't Miss IR leader - Coming Tomorrow

IR leader, CIRI's issues-based bi-monthly publication covers a broad range of financial, regulatory and accounting issues relevant to the practice of investor relations. Columns are written by senior IR practitioners, professionals recognized for their expertise and respected business executives.

Volume 25 Issue 2 will be published on Wednesday, April 15, boasting the following IR topics:

  • Lead: Talking Dollars and Cents: Explaining Executive Compensation to Shareholders
  • Investment Community Perspective: Incoming: Communication Initiated from the Outside
  • Financial Reporting and IR: Evolving Reporting Standards for Going Concern: How Will It Affect Your
  • Financial Statement Disclosures?
  • Securities Regulation and IR: Whistleblower Program Proposed by the Ontario Securities Commission
  • Social Media and IR: Social Media Primer for IROs
  • Canadian IR Practitioner Perspective – Guest Column: This is What I Know For Sure
Did you miss Volume 25 Issue 1? Visit the News/Resources section of to access previous issues of IR leader, IR focus and wIRed.

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