IR Leader
August 11, 2015

Annual Conference Webcasts Now Available

Missed CIRI's Annual Conference? Sessions are now available via webcast!

CIRI has received great feedback from the Annual Conference.The Conference earned an 83% 'overall' rating and 100% 'would recommend' rating. Check out sessions developed by Canada's leading IROs to help you build a knowledgeable, credible and insightful IR program.
Click here to purchase the conference package (all sessions)
Members           $495 + tax
Non-members    $795 + tax

Click here to purchase individual conference sessions
Members           $49 + tax
Non-members    $69 + tax

Conference delegates ~ Remember that you have access to these webcasts as a benefit of registration. Simply refer to previous conference communications for the login details.

Thank you to NASDAQ for sponsoring the webcasting services!