IR Leader
September 15, 2015
Here are just a few of the many great reasons to update your profile today...

... Your current mailing address will ensure timely delivery of hard copy mailings, including some CIRI publications, correspondence and other special offers.

... CIRI's electronic publications, including Issues Backgrounders and Issues Briefs, keep you up-to-date on current trends, activities and issues impacting IROs.

... CIRI provides opportunities to share your insights and contribute to surveys and research on a number of IR topics.

Make sure we know how to reach you!

Log on to and update your profile today!

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A CIRI membership offers significant value through the many Professional Development, Publications and Advocacy benefits. In addition, there are a number of 'hidden gems' included with the membership package. These 'hidden gems' include:

Mentorship Program

New IROs may find the profession daunting at first due to its complex and multidisciplinary nature. That is why CIRI's Ontario, Québec, Alberta and British Columbia chapters offer a Mentorship Program to their members.

These programs pair leading IR professionals (mentors) with those fairly new to IR (protégés) for strategic one-on-one meetings to help the protégé achieve specific career development goals. While working towards the protégé's goals, the mentorship team shares ideas, perspectives and experiences. Each team meets several times over six months.

The Ontario, Québec, Alberta and British Columbia programs offer mentors a rewarding leadership experience, while providing all participants the benefits of connecting with another colleague in the profession.

To learn more about each Chapter's Mentorship Program, click here.

Volunteer Advisory Network

CIRI's Volunteer Advisory Network is a vehicle where CIRI members help other CIRI members. This resource lists CIRI members with public companies who are willing to volunteer their time and expertise to help other CIRI members on a vast range of investor relations topics.

For a list of topics and topic experts, click here.

Job Listings

Are you looking to fill a position or make a career change? Here's an effective way to reach CIRI members who are looking for new challenges in investor relations.

Positions are posted exclusively for members and notices are sent to members as new positions are posted. Members may submit a job posting free of charge.  

To review the current job listings, or submit a listing, click here.

Refer a Friend Program

Any current CIRI member who refers a new member to CIRI will receive a $100.00 credit.

You are already telling people about CIRI and the many great benefits of membership, so why not reap the rewards from a referral. Direct your prospective referral to to apply online. Once their membership is processed you will receive a $100.00 credit.

This $100.00 credit can be used on your:
  • Annual Conference registration;
  • Essentials of IR registration; or
  • The next year's annual membership renewal dues.
To learn more about how to qualify for the Refer a Friend Program, click here.

Three-For-One Program

If one company is referenced on three new member applications within the same calendar year, that company will receive either a new CIRI membership free; a full refund on an existing CIRI membership; or a free renewal of next year's dues of an existing membership (both free membership and refund excludes the optional NIRI package).

To find out if your company qualifies, and how to apply, click here.

Not yet a CIRI member?  Click here to join and start taking advantage of the many CIRI member benefits.
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