IR Leader
May 31, 2016

IR directions Survey: Investor Presentations

Keeping the investor presentation current and relevant is a constant work-in-progress. To assist you in creating compelling investor presentations, we are conducting a survey of investor relations professionals to determine best practices and trends for the content and uses of investor presentations.

This survey is sponsored by Corbin Perception, an investor relations research and advisory firm assisting public companies with unlocking their full market potential. We greatly appreciate their support for this important initiative. 

CIRI members, please refer to the CIRI Research email sent on May 25 for the link to complete this brief survey by June 3. As a token of our thanks, you will receive a complimentary copy of the research findings. Highlights from this survey and Corbin Perception’s related survey of the Street will be presented at CIRI’s Annual Conference from June 12-14 in Quebec City.

Thank you for your participation.