IR Leader
March 28, 2017
Each year, CIRI recognizes investor relations professionals who make a significant contribution to the practice of investor relations. These individuals are nominated by you - their peers. We ask you to think about your IR program and consider nominating those IROs whose programs or initiatives you admire.

CIRI Fellowship Program was launched in 2015 to recognize leaders in the investor relations profession who, by their achievements, bring distinction to the profession and serve as role models for others. CIRI Fellows have made significant contributions to the advancement of the investor relations profession and to CIRI throughout their careers.

Click here for more information and to access the Nomination Form.

Belle Mulligan Award for Leadership in Investor Relations is given in honour of the late Belle Mulligan to recognize individuals who have shown singular leadership in one or more aspects of the practice of IR.

Click here for more information and to access the Nomination Form.

CIRI Award for Excellence in Investor Relations is given by CIRI to honour individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to the investor relations profession and to the Institute.

Click here for more information.

Nominations can be submitted to Jane Maciel by April 14, 2017.
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CIRI is pleased to inform you that new job opportunities are available in Ontario.

CIRI members can click here to view the postings. You must be logged in as this is a 'Members Only' benefit.

Are you looking to create or fill a position in your company or for a client? Here's an effective way to reach CIRI members who are looking for new challenges in investor relations.

Members may submit a job posting free of charge. Non-members may submit a job posting for $150+HST.

Click here to submit a job posting.
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