The Canadian Investor Relations Institute ("CIRI") Alberta Chapter is pleased to report that, at its annual meeting of shareholders held on May 2, 2017, 12 nominees were elected as Executives of the Chapter with Helen Kelly appointed as the new Chair.
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To provide greater visibility of women on Boards and in executive officer positions in Canada, certain members of the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA), including the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC), adopted new disclosure requirements and mandated all non-venture issuers with year-ends on or after December 31, 2014 to disclose certain information regarding the representation of women on Boards and in executive officer positions.
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The rise of hedge fund activists emphasizes a way of thinking pervasive in the business world that centers on the idea that management's objective should be to maximize value for shareholders. "At the theory's core is the assertion that shareholders own the corporation and, by virtue of their status as owners, have ultimate authority over its business and may legitimately demand that its activities be conducted in accordance with their wishes," say Harvard Business School professors Joseph L. Bower and Lynn S. Paine.
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Climate change is a business issue. This publication outlines 20 questions for boards of directors to ask in overseeing organizational risk management, business strategy and performance in the context of climate change.
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This reporting alert provides an update of recently issued guidance by Canadian securities regulators on the disclosure of cyber security risks and incidents.
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IR Magazine looks at companies' reasons for doing or avoiding this.
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Do investors really care about ESG (environmental, social and governance) disclosures? Apparently they do, according to a recent survey by EY, and they even take information about ESG into account in making investment decisions.
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A large number of companies around the world now recognize that a sustainable business strategy is not just good for the planet, but also for their own competitive growth. Key stakeholders, including investors and consumers, are increasingly willing to distance themselves from companies that fail to embed sustainability principles into their core business practices and strategy.
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Investor relations officers (IROs) play a central role in corporate communications with Wall Street. We survey 610 investor relations officers at publicly traded U.S. companies and conduct 14 follow-up interviews to gain insights into the nature of their interactions with sell-side analysts and institutional investors, and to deepen our understanding of the role of investor relations officers in corporate disclosure events.
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