IR Leader
December 19, 2017

CIRI Members, It's Time To Renew Your Membership

CIRI Members: Have you renewed your membership? If not, your membership renewal is due December 31st.

Close to 500 individuals in the investor relations profession were members of CIRI in 2017, including yourself.  

Thank you for being part of the CIRI community in 2017. Throughout the year, we focused on providing members with what they value most from their membership: resources, professional development, networking opportunities and advocacy. We encourage you to renew your membership; to leverage our expanding pool of resources to inform your IR program; to attend events to learn about IR best practices and trends - like the 2018 Annual Conference in Toronto; to take the time to network with your peers and learn from their experiences; and to benefit from CIRI's advocacy efforts. We encourage you to be informed, be current and be connected by being a CIRI member.

Go to now to renew your membership for 2018!

Not a CIRI member? Click here to find out more and join!