IR Leader
August 14, 2018
Are you new to the investor relations profession? Are you looking to expand your investor relations skills while building your network? Then we have the resources you need, in one convenient and affordable bundle.

This bundle includes:
  • Registration to the Essentials of Investor Relations in Vancouver (Value: $1,050);
  • A CIRI National and Chapter Membership (Value: $740);
  • Standards and Guidance for Disclosure and Model Disclosure Policy (Value: $500); and
  • Guide to Developing an Investor Relations Program (Value: $135).
Total retail value: $2,425
CIRI's 2018 Membership/Essentials of IR: $1,490
That's a savings of more than $900!

For more details on the benefits and savings in this package, contact Kaitlin Davis at
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CIRI is pleased to inform you that new job opportunities are available in Alberta and Ontario.

CIRI members can click here to view the postings. You must be logged in as this is a 'Members Only' benefit.

Are you looking to create or fill a position in your company or for a client? Here's an effective way to reach CIRI members who are looking for new challenges in investor relations.

Members may submit a job posting free of charge. Non-members may submit a job posting for $150+HST.

To submit a job posting, contact Kaitlin Davis at or (416) 364-8200.

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