IR Leader
February 19, 2019
National Board and Chapter Executives

CIRI is looking for members to join the CIRI National Board of Directors and the Chapter Executives. If you know a CIRI member that you think would make a good addition to the CIRI National Board or a Chapter Executive, we ask you to please enter their name in nomination.

Don't delay! The deadline for nomination is March 15, 2019. Click here to access the page where you can select the specific Chapter Nomination Form for more details. 

(Note: Only CIRI members can hold National Board and Chapter Executive positions.)

Each year, CIRI recognizes investor relations professionals who make a significant contribution to the practice of investor relations. These individuals are nominated by you - their peers. We ask you to think about your IR program and consider nominating those IROs whose programs or initiatives you admire.

CIRI Awards

CIRI Fellowship Program was launched in 2015 to recognize leaders in the investor relations profession who, by their achievements, bring distinction to the profession and serve as role models for others. CIRI Fellows have made significant contributions to the advancement of the investor relations profession and to CIRI throughout their careers.

Belle Mulligan Award for Leadership in Investor Relations is given in honour of the late Belle Mulligan to recognize individuals who have shown singular leadership in one or more aspects of the practice of IR.

CIRI Award for Excellence in Investor Relations is given by CIRI to honour individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to the investor relations profession and to the Institute.

Nominations can be submitted to Jane Maciel by March 29, 2019.

Click here to access the specific CIRI Award Nomination Forms.
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