COMING SOON! CIRI's 2019 Investor Relations Compensation and Responsibilities Survey
2019 IR Compensation and Responsibilities Survey results will soon be released and the preliminary findings were discussed during a free-to-members webinar: 'How Does Your IR Role Stack Up? held on September 24.
Click here to access the free-to-member webinar.
About the Survey
The Canadian Investor Relations Institute (CIRI) conducted the ninth Investor Relations Compensation and Responsibilities Survey during the second and third quarters of 2019. The research objectives were to:
- provide members, non-members and industry professionals with budget information for benchmark analysis; and
- track key trends in the roles, responsibilities, resourcing and compensation of IR professionals in Canada.
The survey was sponsored and conducted by Global Governance Advisors (GGA), an internationally recognized North American Human Capital Management firm that provides leading Human Capital Management advisory services and HCM technology solutions.
To pre-order your copy of CIRI's
2019 IR Compensation and Responsibilities Survey,
click here.
CIRI members who participated in the survey $49
Non-members who participated in the survey $99
CIRI members who did not participate in the survey $149
Non members who did not participate in the survey $249