IR Leader
November 12, 2019

Renewing Your CIRI Membership Is Easy and Quick!

Your 2020 membership invoice is now available online. We encourage you to renew your membership: to leverage our expanding pool of resources to inform your IR program; to attend events to learn about IR best practices and trends – like the 2020 Annual Conference in Calgary; to take the time to network with your peers and learn from their experience; and to benefit from CIRI's advocacy efforts. Can’t remember all the benefits you received from CIRI this year? Watch our short video for the recap.

To pay your invoice, please visit and Sign In using your email address as your username. Select your name from the top right corner to access your profile. Click on the Renew Now button on the left and you will be taken to your open invoice where you can complete the payment. Your payment is complete once you receive an email from CIRI with your order confirmation.

Your membership expires on December 31, 2019. Please renew your membership to stay informed, current and connected. 

Not a member? See what you're missing! Join today!