IR Leader
April 27, 2021

CIRI's 2021 Annual Conference will be held virtually over three afternoons – June 14, 15 and 16. Building on last year's success, this virtual format will include all the elements that make the Annual Conference a hallmark event for Canadian IROs including: general and breakout sessions; panel discussions; interactive roundtables; opportunities to engage with suppliers through a variety of options, time-tested and new; and networking with peers during social events.  

This year's Conference theme: Megashift: The Evolving Role of IR will not only address the significant and rapid changes the IR role has undergone to adapt to our current environment, but also the continued transformation we expect heading into 2022. More details will be available on the soon-to-be launched Annual Conference website. Click here to see pricing and register.

Additional Annual Conference updates will be provided in the coming weeks. We look forward to catching up with you in June!

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As 2021 AGM season is upon us, and limitations on in-person gatherings persists, many AGMs are expected to be virtual again. Issuers are looking for ways to enhance this event in 2021. In preparation, CIRI has updated the Virtual AGM: Dos and Don'ts and has expanded the list of Questions to Consider.

Click here to access CIRI's Virtual AGM: Dos and Don'ts.
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