IR Leader
March 01, 2022

CIRI's Recently Released Resources and Issues Alert

As part of our ongoing commitment to support the IR community, we recently issued two publications and an Issues Alert to keep members informed and up to date.

Issues Backgrounder: TSX's New Market on Close Facility. Familiarize yourself with the new facility and how it impacts you and your investors.

IR focus: Transformational Investor Relations in Spin-Offs, Split-Offs and Rationalizations. Meaningful insight on various types of corporate restructuring and the IRO's role in these transactions.

Issues Alert: CSA Guidelines on Virtual AGMs. This guidance addresses issuer disclosure around shareholder access and how shareholders participate in virtual AGMs.

Issues Backgrounders and IR focus are member-only publications. You must be logged in to access them.

Not a CIRI member? Join now to access these and other member-only resources.