IR Leader
June 18, 2024

This year’s CIRI Fellows were honoured and the Award for Excellence in Investor Relations was presented during the Awards Ceremony on Monday, June 3, as part of CIRI’s 37thAnnual Investor Relations Conference. 

CIRI Names Four Distinguished Investor Relations Professionals as Fellows
The CIRI Fellowship Program recognizes leaders in the investor relations profession who, by their achievements, bring distinction to the profession and serve as role models for others. CIRI Fellows have made significant contributions to the advancement of the investor relations profession and to CIRI throughout their careers. Earning the designation of F.CIRI, the CIRI Fellow is the highest honour for investor relations professionals in Canada.

Congratulations to:
Janet Craig, Vice President, Investor Relations, Maple Leaf Foods Inc.
Brian Ector, Senior Vice President, Capital Markets & Investor Relations, Baytex Energy Corp.
Siren Fisekci, Vice President, Investor Relations & Corporate Communications, Pan American Silver Corp.
Yvette Lokker, former President & Chief Executive Officer, Canadian Investor Relations Institute

CIRI Award for Excellence in Investor Relations
CIRI gives the Award for Excellence in Investor Relations to honour individuals who have made an outstanding contribution, through their long history of leadership, to the investor relations profession and/or to CIRI. This year, CIRI is pleased to announce that Mélanie Hennessey, F.CIRI has been chosen as the 36th recipient of the Award for Excellence in Investor Relations.

Congratulations to all of this year's award recipients for your commitment to CIRI and your dedication to elevating the investor relations profession. 

CIRI Announces 2024 AGM Voting Results
CIRI is pleased to report that, at its Annual Meeting of Shareholders held on June 3, 2024, 13 nominees were elected as Directors, welcoming three new Directors: Bruno Di Genova, Vice President, Sales, Digicast; Mahsa Rejali, Vice President, Corporate Development & Investor Relations, Cineplex Inc.; and Ann Wilkinson, Vice President, Investor Relations, Mineros SA. 

The Board looks forward to engaging with fellow members and continuing to deliver value through professional development events, resources, networking opportunities and issues education and advocacy.

Please click on the headlines to read the full news release.

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