Bosses increasingly are demanding results amid faster-moving shifts. How to show you’re making progress.
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Securities-related regulatory action regarding “AI washing” has been increasing in the United States, serving as a warning of potential future developments in Canada. AI washing, as defined by the Canadian Securities Administrators (the CSA), refers to an issuer making false, misleading or exaggerated claims about its use of AI systems in its products or services to capitalize on the growing use of and investor interest in AI systems. The CSA reported that it identified disclosure and promotional campaigns that included AI washing during its most recent continuous disclosure review program.
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EduBirdie’s analysis of Google Trends reveals a staggering 822% surge in searches for “companies with DEI” following Trump’s executive orders rolling back a six-decades-old anti-discrimination policy. This suggests that people are interested in knowing what companies are continuing to support and stay committed to inclusion. Certainly, there could be negative implications to that search, yet this sizable increase might also suggest a shift to organizations that remain unwavering in their commitments to inclusion, especially for younger generations.
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TMX Group (TMX) has been advocating on behalf of Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) and Venture Exchange (TSXV) listed issuers for meaningful improvements to trading rules and policies set by the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO) and other industry regulators. Our goal is to promote fairness, transparency, and investor confidence in the Canadian capital markets, on your behalf, to create an environment where issuers can thrive and succeed.
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Soliciting proxies is at the heart of any shareholder activist campaign or issuer defence. However, while defined very broadly, authoritative guidance regarding what constitutes a proxy “solicitation” remains relatively thin. As proxy season begins, we review the meaning and implications of this key legal concept for the benefit of both shareholders and issuers.
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Apple tops the list again, as the clean energy economy demonstrates robust growth despite political attacks.
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This checklist and overview of certain matters relevant to the 2025 proxy season is intended to help reporting issuers in Canada prepare for their upcoming annual meetings by identifying relevant developments in disclosure rules and governance practices over the past year.
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Securities regulators in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia are inviting industry to engage in discussions – and potentially participate in testing of tools and strategies – to foster greater portability of client data in the investment market.
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