Missed CIRI's Annual Conference? Sessions are now available via webcast!
CIRI has received great feedback from the Annual Conference.The
Conference earned an 83% 'overall' rating and 100% 'would recommend'
rating. Check out sessions developed by Canada's leading IROs to help
you build a knowledgeable, credible and insightful IR program.
Click here to purchase the conference package (all sessions)
Members $495 + tax
Non-members $795 + tax
Click here to purchase individual conference sessions
Members $49 + tax
Non-members $69 + tax
Conference delegates ~ Remember that you have access to these webcasts
as a benefit of registration. Simply refer to previous conference
communications for the login details.
Thank you to NASDAQ for sponsoring the webcasting services!
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Are you new to the investor relations profession? Are you looking to
expand your investor relations skills while building your network? Then
we have the resources you need, in one convenient and affordable bundle.
This bundle includes:
Registration to the Essentials of Investor Relations in Toronto (Value $1,050)
A CIRI National and Chapter Membership (Value $740)
Standards and Guidance for Disclosure plus Model Disclosure Policy (Value $500)
Guide to Developing an Investor Relations Program (Value $135)
Total Retail Value: $2,425. CIRI’s 2015 Membership/Essentials of IR Bundle: $1,490. That's a savings of $935!
For more detalis on the benefits and savings in this package, click here.
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The U.S. government's new rule is a good idea, but the formula is flawed.
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Disclosing the gap won't close it, but could lead to more public pressure on corporations.
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Commission votes 3-2 to approve the measure.
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Rule Implements Dodd-Frank Mandate While Providing Companies with Flexibility to Calculate Pay Ratio.
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ISS has commenced its 2016 proxy voting policy survey. Some of the issues ISS seeks comment on are included in this article.
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A panel of legal practitioners and academics appointed by Ontario's Ministry of Government and Consumer Services (Panel) has recommended potential updates and revisions to a number of corporate and commercial Ontario statutes in a June 2015 report entitled Business Law Agenda (Report).
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Though recent amendments to Canada's Personal Information and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) are now in force, the federal government has yet to release regulations addressing data breach notification. Still, given the growing number of well-publicized data breaches, it's critical for organizations to understand that their privacy policies and security safeguards are coming under greater scrutiny on all fronts.
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Shareholder activism with respect to public companies continued to grow last year, and there are few indications of this trend abating in the near future.
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Ninety-three percent (93%) of institutional investors plan to maintain or increase their hedge fund allocations in the second half of this year, according to the latest survey released by Credit Suisse Group AG.
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Amid all the dismal statistics about how few women have corporate leadership roles - women make up less than 5% of CEOs and hold less than 20% of board seats - one new number may offer a little hope.
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The Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) recently
published the results of their annual Continuous
Disclosure Review Program for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2015. The CSA completed 778
issue-oriented reviews and 280 full reviews, as a result of which 59% required action by the reporting issuer to improve its disclosure or resulted in the issuer being referred to enforcement, cease traded or placed on the defaulting issuers list, down from 60% in 2014.
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A comprehensive review of
business legislation to ensure that Ontario is competitive.
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