IR Leader
March 27, 2018
Membership in CIRI provides investor relations professionals with the information and resources they need to excel in today’s environment. Here's what we provided to members in Q1:
  • Published IR focus on the new TSX website disclosures;
  • Published IR leader with articles on guidance, shareholder engagement and changes to lease accounting;
  • Published IR directions: Annual General Meeting Best Practices;
  • Published top IR stories in wIRed;
  • Published the member needs survey;
  • Hosted seven Chapter events across Canada; and
  • Issued a call for nominations to refresh the National Board and Chapter Executives.
And there's more to come. Before the end of the quarter, we will publish IR directions: Conference and Non-deal Roadshows.

We also made steady progress on our practical vision and strategic imperatives. We advanced two of our six strategic imperatives – Technology and Certification. On Technology, we launched iMIS, an association management system that replaced two systems, increasing our operational efficiency. On Certification, we commenced the 2018 IR Certification Program with 18 students. Our strategic imperatives are aimed at advancing the practice and the stature of the IR profession while improving our collaboration across the organization to benefit you – our members.

This is the value that CIRI members received in Q1 and there's much more planned for the next three quarters.

Not a CIRI member? Join today!

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CIRI is pleased to inform you that new job opportunities are available in British Columbia and Ontario.

CIRI members can click here to view the postings. You must be logged in as this is a 'Members Only' benefit.

Are you looking to create or fill a position in your company or for a client? Here's an effective way to reach CIRI members who are looking for new challenges in investor relations.

Members may submit a job posting free of charge. Non-members may submit a job posting for $150+HST.

To submit a job posting, contact Jane Maciel at or (416) 364-8200.

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