Yvette Lokker, President & CEO
As we approach the Annual Conference and the AGM, I have been reflecting on the last 12 months. I am amazed by how much we have accomplished. I say 'we' because there are so many people involved in achieving these important initiatives.
In addition to the CIRI team (which is small, but mighty), there are countless members and stakeholders who volunteer their time to advance the objectives of the organization. These volunteers take time away from their families and make a tremendous contribution to CIRI. They show their support for the profession and the organization by joining boards and committees, speaking at professional development events, contributing to surveys and research, and producing educational publications.
While this is not an exhaustive list, here are some of our accomplishments over the last year and the number of volunteers involved in achieving them:
- 55 members guided the organization as Directors on the National and Chapter Boards;
- 49 members furthered our organizational objectives by serving on our various committees;
- 142 members and stakeholders spoke at 47 National and Chapter professional development events;
- Eight members enhanced the content of the CIRI/Ivey IR Certification Program;
- More than 230 individuals, including 51% of CIRI’s corporate members, completed CIRI’s 2012 Investor Relations Compensation and Responsibilities Survey;
- The 13-member Issues Committee advocated on two IR issues, submitted two Comment Papers in response to proposed regulatory changes and issued seven IR Backgrounders and IR Briefs;
- The Editorial Board, comprised of 16 members, published six issues of IR leader; and
- 11 people were involved in updating CIRI’s Guide to Developing an IR Program (soon to be released!).
To all of our volunteers: a sincere thank you for all that you do to make CIRI a relevant, vibrant organization.
On Sunday, June 2 at the Opening Reception of the Annual Conference, we will recognize our many volunteers. Join us as we toast them (or perhaps you) and celebrate our good fortune in having them in our corner!