2013 volume 23 issue 5

Chair's Report

George Kesteven, National Board Chair


At CIRI, we are in the enviable position of having access to IR-related expertise across a broad number of topics. Whether internal or external to CIRI, numerous individuals volunteer their expertise on subjects as wide-ranging as social media usage, boardroom access and capital raising.

What is most gratifying is that much of the advice proffered is practical and easily implemented. Over the past few weeks, as I discussed proposed IR strategies and plans with my Board and senior management, I found myself relying upon the expertise gleaned from many of the experts at CIRI, whether the knowledge was gained from a one-on-one conversation, an article in IR leader, a chapter event or a national conference session.

The explicit value of my membership in CIRI has never been more apparent, as the know-how and perspectives of my fellow IR practitioners and vendors alike provided me with valuable input that was directly applicable to discussions with my Board and management. I encourage you to draw upon the capabilities within CIRI, but equally important I encourage you to volunteer your own expertise. Regardless of your tenure within the IR profession, your organizational seniority, or industry sector, the perspectives you bring to the table will be of value to your fellow practitioners. And given the multidisciplinary nature of the IR profession and the evolution from tactical to strategic IR, skill across a broad spectrum of topics is required. 

As the IR profession evolves due to capital market and regulatory changes, we are all beneficiaries of the expertise accessible through CIRI. I encourage you as a member of CIRI to take advantage of it. 

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