Congratulations CPIRs!
November was exciting for CIRI as we announced 21 more individuals who earned their Certified Professional in Investor Relations (CPIR) designation. We made a big deal about it – because it is a BIG deal – and announced the CPIRs in a news release, the National Post, IR Magazine and LISTED magazine. We even marked the occasion with the TSX Opening Bell on November 28.
While most of you, if not all, know about the program, you may not fully appreciate the flexibility of the format. While there are two face-to-face components, one at the beginning and another at the end of the program, the bulk of the classes are available online at your leisure. We tailored this program to meet the needs of IROs, who tend to be on the road more and more, making it accessible to all.
The program is in its third year and is going strong. In January 2014, we will be opening up registration for the 2014-2015 program. Based on responses from our Member Needs Survey, we see solid demand for the program from IROs with three years of experience all the way up to 20+ years of experience. Just think about the quality of discussion that takes place! It’s a hotbed of learning.
You Spoke, We Are Listening
Speaking of our Member Needs Survey, I would like to thank the 168 members who took the time out of their busy schedules to provide us with their feedback. This information is crucial to gauge how CIRI is doing and where we should be focusing our resources. In early 2014, influenced by your feedback, we will roll out our priorities for the next several years.
As 2013 draws to a close, I would like to thank all of you for your continued support of the organization. I encourage you all to renew your memberships and stay tuned for additional benefits in 2014.
Best wishes to you and your families for safe and happy holidays.