Meghan Brown, National Board Chair
Welcome to fall! I hope everyone enjoyed the Canadian summer and is embracing the busyness of returning to a regular routine.
September in many respects is the beginning of CIRI’s year, and fall programming is already in full swing, with events underway at all four Chapters and the National office.
Also with fall comes the launch of our membership renewal drive. This year’s renewals will be particularly challenging as natural resources markets across western Canada continue to struggle with depressed commodity prices. Many of our member companies are facing further budget cuts and increased shareholder scrutiny. Now, more than ever, the value of a CIRI membership pays off. With access to Canada’s only database on regulatory issues related to the IR field, as well as access to live and archived professional development programs, CIRI membership will help position you as a key strategic member of your management team. CIRI members also benefit from the advocacy efforts of our highly experienced Issues Committee, which represents the views of IROs across the country to securities regulators.
Given the economic realities and pressure on many IR budgets, your National Board of Directors will be developing a three-to-five-year strategic plan that will ensure CIRI continues to deliver the information and resources our members need to excel. At our next in-person Board meeting in November, we will hold a two-day strategy workshop to ensure all Board members are fully aligned in terms of vision and strategy. In the following months, the results of this workshop will be shared with members.
As always, I welcome your comments, questions and feedback on anything CIRI related. I can be reached at or by phone at (604) 640-4804.