Yvette Lokker, President & CEO
Welcome back after a fantastic summer! I hope that you all had time to enjoy it.
We had a busy summer at CIRI, moving from the Annual Conference straight into a financial modeling workshop at the end of June, followed by free-to-member webinars in July and August on CIRI’s 2014 IR Responsibilities & Compensation Survey and Trends in Investor Presentations. These webinars are archived and you can access them at any time, free of charge.
We also released the 2014 Investor Relations Compensation & Responsibilities Survey and were pleased to note that the strategic value IROs are demonstrating to their management teams and Boards continues to grow. This is evident in the increasing number of IROs counseling management and making presentations to the Board. The 76-page report uncovers a number of other trends in IR responsibilities and compensation that are of interest to all IROs. If you participated in the survey, you will have already received your complimentary copy. If you did not participate, this report is worth the investment of $199 and can be purchased here.
As we enter fall, you are likely starting to think about the next budget cycle. This is a good time to consider your IR strategy and ensure that your approach will enhance your position in your organization. For many, this means talking to other IROs about their strategies. When looking to your network, remember that you have access to the full IR community. Take the time to meet with your peers and learn from their experience, meet with service providers who are subject-matter experts and leverage the resources that CIRI provides. A number of service providers are sponsors of CIRI, supporting the organization and our community, and I encourage you to consider them as you review your suppliers.
I know that things have been difficult for some of you recently. It is during times like these that you need to lean on your network, talk through challenges and learn about new opportunities. In order to help you stay connected and informed, CIRI introduced a Transition Program, offering members who are in job transition up to one year of complimentary membership. If you would like to enrol in this Program, please get in touch with me.
Until next time,