Meghan Brown, National Board Chair
Greetings fellow CIRI members,
With the new year in full swing, CIRI’s 2016 program calendar is humming along, with sold out events already under our belt at several Chapters. In spite of the dismal state of the resource sectors, most notably felt in Calgary (oil and gas) and Vancouver (mining), we remain a resilient bunch. Attendance at CIRI events across the country has been strong, and participation live and on the webcasts reflects the fact that now, more than ever, CIRI is the go-to resource for intelligent, up-to-date professional development learning opportunities.
As CIRI Board Chair and Chair of my company’s Disclosure Committee, governance matters are near and dear to my heart. I was pleased to be able to submit my company’s name to participate in the Glass Lewis Issuer Data Report (IDR) pilot program. The IDR is designed to increase engagement between Glass Lewis and Canadian issuers to enhance the accuracy of Glass Lewis voting recommendations and ultimately improve the quality of the shareholder vote. CIRI is partnering with Glass Lewis on this important initiative and CIRI members were offered pre-launch, priority access to the report. Along with the ISS QuickScore data verification platform, Canadian issuers are finally now able to influence the accuracy of information used by institutional shareholders when voting on company matters. It’s a step in the right direction for shareholders and issuers alike and a sign of progress in the field of investor relations. I encourage all CIRI members to get informed on the changes that are coming for the 2016 proxy season. Your CIRI membership gives you access to Issues Briefs and Backgrounders on all the latest governance topics.
Membership renewals continue, and if yours has lapsed, remember it’s not too late to jump back on board. Your CIRI membership allows you to stay current and informed and gives you discounted pricing for the next Annual Conference, which will be held this year in beautiful Quebec City. Planning is well underway and if you missed the $100 early bird discount, make sure to register now to avoid the extra $100 late registration penalty that kicks in at the end of May.
As always, I welcome your comments, questions and feedback on anything CIRI related. I can be reached at or by phone at (604) 640-4804.