Yvette Lokker, President & CEO
I realize that for many of you, 2015 was a challenging year. Especially in times like this you may be closely monitoring your expenditures to allocate resources wisely. I want to thank you for choosing to renew your CIRI membership and staying involved in our dynamic IR community.
It’s a new year and, while we still have challenging times ahead of us, I am looking forward to the future. CIRI’s Board has developed a vision for the organization; one we intend to achieve within the next three years. We have identified areas that we feel are imperative to realizing this vision and are working diligently to address these in order to develop a new strategic plan for the organization. In the second quarter, I expect to provide you with more insight into our progress.
We have exciting developments on the horizon for 2016. We will continue to provide you with great member value by offering:
- Four issues of IR directions, research to identify best practices and trends in IR, on topics selected by you through our recent member survey;
- Updated Standards & Guidance for Disclosure and Model Disclosure Policy; and
- New events for senior level IROs.
These are in addition to the usual member benefits you have come to expect from CIRI.
Should you have any questions or comments on our strategic direction or plans for 2016, please contact me.
Kind regards,