Meghan Brown, National Board Chair
Greetings fellow CIRI members,
Welcome to the May edition of IR leader – your go-to source for up to the minute intel on everything IR in Canada.
Along with CIRI staff members, a committee made up of CIRI volunteers from across the country – co-chaired by Mélanie Hennessey and Roberto Sbrugnera – has been hard at work for the past several months putting together an impressive array of speakers for the upcoming Annual Conference. The lineup includes a CEO, an economist, several securities lawyers, portfolio managers, bankers, and analysts, along with experts in corporate governance, capital markets, compliance and disclosure, shareholder activism, regulatory affairs, and risk management. It’s an event you won’t want to miss. The Conference agenda can be downloaded here.
We are returning to Quebec City for the first time since 2006. Registrations are down slightly from last year, largely due to budget cuts across member companies in the mining and oil and gas markets. If you are someone who is budget restricted, it’s not too late to receive a $100 credit toward your Conference registration by referring a friend to become a CIRI member. In addition to the programs and workshops, the Conference also offers networking events and optional outdoor activities in beautiful Quebec City and nearby national parks.
Also at Quebec City we will be presenting the second annual F.CIRI distinction awards. The CIRI Fellowship Program is designed to recognize CIRI members who, by their achievements, bring distinction to the profession and serve as role models for others.
The CIRI AGM will be held at the Annual Conference in Quebec City and proxy packages were sent on May 18. I strongly encourage you to vote your proxy as soon as possible.
As always, I welcome your comments, questions and feedback on anything CIRI related. I can be reached at or by phone at (604) 640-4804.
Meghan Brown
Chair, CIRI National Board of Directors