New Members:
Susan Cohen, Director, Investor Relations, Laurentian Bank of Canada, Montreal, QC
Andrea Cudmore, NATIONAL Equicom, Calgary, AB
Christopher Curran, Manager Investor Relations and Corporate Communications, New Dimension Resources Ltd., Vancouver, BC
Rob Dorran, Vice President, Investor Relations and Treasurer, Superior Plus Corp., Toronto, ON
Johanna Gonzalez, Toronto, ON
Christian Green, Director, Investor Relations and Compliance, RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust, Toronto, ON
Rob Hall, Managing Director, RKH Consulting, Winnipeg, MB
Omar Javed, Director, Investor Relations, Hydro One Limited, Toronto, ON
Tim McMillan, Manager, Investor Relations, PotashCorp., Saskatoon, SK
Allison Pettit, Account Executive, CNW Group, Vancouver, BC
Dylan Rae, Senior Manager, Institutional Communications, Phillips Hager & North Investment Management, Vancouver, BC
Members on the Move:
Neha Dave is now Director, Corporate Access at National Bank Financial in Toronto, ON.
Alison Mickey is the Director, Corporate Communications and Public Relations at Spruce Finance Inc., formerly Clean Power Finance, in San Francisco, CA.
Erin O’Toole is now Senior Stakeholder Relations Specialist, NOVAGOLD Resources Inc. in Vancouver, BC.
Clayton Paradis is now Vice President, Investor Relations at Resverlogix Corp., in Calgary, AB.
Dan Symons is now Vice President, Investor Relations at Argonaut Gold Inc. in Toronto, ON.
Samantha Taccone is now Coordinator, Investor Relations at CGI Group Inc. in Montreal, QC.