Elaine Wyatt
CIRI is deeply
saddened by the passing of our friend and colleague Elaine Wyatt on Sunday, June 24, following a courageous battle with a rare and aggressive cancer. At the time of her passing, Elaine was a member of the CIRI National Board and Co-Chair of the Issues Committee. She was Chair of the CIRI Ontario Chapter from 2010 to 2011. In 2011, she received CIRI’s Award for Excellence in Investor Relations. Elaine generously volunteered her time and expertise since becoming a CIRI member in 1998.
In addition to her involvement with CIRI, Elaine was the founder and principal of Wyatt Strategic Communications. She began her career as a journalist.
Elaine was involved in many other activities, including scuba diving, sailing, learning languages and entertaining. She received her master’s degree in Archaeology at the age of 63; she had an insatiable thirst for learning and a passion for all that she undertook.
Her inspiration and enthusiasm will be greatly missed. Rest in peace, Elaine.
Leonard Mulligan
In July, CIRI lost a great friend and supporter of the IR profession. Leonard (Len) Mulligan was the husband of the late Isabel (Belle) Mulligan, an outstanding IR leader, mentor and standard setter. In Belle’s memory, Len established and sponsored the Belle Mulligan Award for Leadership in Investor Relations and the Belle Mulligan Scholarship. Len was actively involved each year in the selection of both the Award and Scholarship recipients.
Len will be remembered fondly for his appreciation and support of the IR profession and his important contributions to advancing its development.