BC Chapter Update
CIRI BC held a virtual professional development event on October 18 entitled Maximizing Investor Reach: Uplisting and Dual Listing Insights. The panel of industry professionals included: Robert Peterman, Vice President, Global Business Development, TMX Group; Andy Hall, Managing Director, Nasdaq; Joe Racanelli, Vice President, Investor Relations, Electra Battery Materials Corp.; and moderator Alyssa Barry, Co-founder and Principal, irlabs. They discussed the steps and qualifications it takes to graduate from the Venture to the TSX. Peterman also offered insights into current trends and the future outlook for exchange graduation. Hall and Racanelli discussed the costs and benefits of a U.S. national listing for a Canadian-listed company and what new doors this opens for investors, as well as the ramifications to low volume trading i.e. what warrants a notice for minimum bid requirement. Overall, it was an insightful panel with multiple key takeaways for companies that have, and look to, graduate or dual list while providing examples of the growth and impact these activities have on investor relations.
Top: Alyssa Barry, Joe Racanelli. Bottom: Andy Hall, Rob Peterman
Alberta Chapter Update
As Canadians were looking ahead to the Thanksgiving long weekend, CIRI Alberta held a marquee lunch event on October 6 at the Calgary Petroleum Club. The subjec was Alberta Open for Business: Unleashing Potential, Building Prosperity. Over 150 attendees settled in for an in-depth discussion covering Alberta’s investment policies, incentives, and initiatives to attract top talent and capital to the province.
The event was led by Nathalie Megann, President & CEO, CIRI, as she welcomed a trifecta of keynote speakers including: Martin Pelletier, Senior Portfolio Manager, Wellington-Altus Private Counsel; Deborah Yedlin, President & CEO, Calgary Chamber of Commerce; and, Hon. Danielle Smith, Premier of Alberta.
This two-hour event was bookended by networking opportunities and meaningful connections as Alberta’s corporate leaders, investment professionals and business partners shared their thoughts on the collective objective of attracting investment to the province. Momentum is building in Alberta and the Chapter Executive plans to close out the year with a Holiday Social and Analyst Ask-Me-Anything session, making for an exciting and productive fourth quarter.

Quebec Chapter Update
CIRI Quebec kicked off the season with an in-person event on the topic of Artificial Intelligence, followed by a networking session. The event was very well attended and was held at the new Lumi Experience studio in downtown Montreal. We had a diverse panel, including: Carl Dussault, Founder & CEO, Evovest; Gary Kalaci, CEO, Alexa Translations; and Benoit Poirier, Managing Director & Analyst, Desjardins Securities Inc.
On October 18, CIRI Quebec held the first of its virtual monthly Masterclasses. The focus was on establishing a stress-free system for earnings presentations and the guest presenter was Harry Shah, CEO, Outkreate – a presentation agency for IROs. The session was well attended and very engaging, with lots of pertinent questions. The next virtual Masterclass will be held on November 21, in conjunction with the CIRI Social event.
Come out, learn and connect with colleagues and friends.