George Kesteven, National Board Chair
My first recollection of meeting Tom Enright was a number of years ago when he was President and CEO at CNW Group. At the time, Tom sported a distinctive ponytail hairstyle. Why do I mention Tom’s ponytail? It’s because in hindsight that ponytail indicated to me the strength of character Tom possesses. As I recall, Tom had grown the ponytail because of empathy for his son, but just as importantly it indicated that Tom was an individual not afraid to travel a different path, and seek out solutions that many others might chose not to pursue, even if it meant taking an unconventional route. In addition to his ability to form empathetic relationships with those around him, Tom is one of the most creative problem solvers with whom I have ever had the privilege to work.
This creative problem solving has contributed to the remarkable progress at CIRI under Tom’s leadership, and that of Chairs Sharon Mathers, David Carey and Colleen Vancha. When I had the privilege of joining the CIRI National Board in 2009, Sharon and David had recently recruited Tom to the President and CEO role. CIRI was struggling both organizationally and financially. Under Tom’s skilled guidance CIRI is now on significantly more stable financial footing. This is a tribute to Tom's returning the organization to a focus on the benefits of membership, as well as broadening the base of sponsors and initiating the corporate donations program.
In addition to his external focus, Tom’s internal people management skills have provided CIRI with an exceptionally talented successor in Yvette Lokker. Yvette assumes the President and CEO role on January 1, 2013. I look forward to working with Yvette to continue to advance CIRI’s strategic objective to be recognized as the Canadian investor relations authority, standard setter and resource.
Late in November, the CIRI National Board, as part of its regular quarterly meeting, hosted a reception in Toronto to recognize Tom’s (and his wife Linda’s) contribution to CIRI. As one Board member observed, “Tom’s legacy at CIRI will be a favourable and long lived one.” With his talent and extensive managerial background, I know Tom will not simply ride off into the sunset and I look forward to crossing paths with him again.
Tom, on behalf of the entire CIRI membership, I thank you for your dedicated and wise leadership of CIRI. Your legacy of leadership will indeed be a favourable one.