Meghan Brown, National Board Chair
I am delighted to write my inaugural message as your new Chair of the CIRI National Board of Directors. It is an honour and a privilege to take on this position. I owe a big thank you to George Kesteven, whose experience, enthusiasm and commitment to the IR profession made his tenure a highly successful one. George left big shoes to fill – but he has assured me he isn’t going to disappear entirely and will support me as I transition into the role.
I have been a CIRI member since 1998, and attending events since earlier than that, when I was just getting started in my IR career. Between the BC Chapter and CIRI National, I have been involved at the Board level since 2006. Every year I am humbled and awed at the talent and experience of the people who collectively make up the organization. This year is no exception. Our members are the best and the brightest in the profession – many of whom have mentored and supported me over the years. I encourage you to get to know your fellow members and Board members by attending CIRI’s exceptional programs and networking events.
Those of you who attended the Annual Conference in Ottawa already know it was a huge success in what was otherwise, in many ways, a challenging year for CIRI. Participation was up from the previous year, with 230 delegates in attendance. Feedback was overwhelmingly positive: 85% gave it an “overall excellent” rating and 99% “would recommend” it to a friend or colleague. Plans are already being put in place for next year’s Conference, which will be held at the historic Banff Springs Hotel. It will be an event you won’t want to miss.
One of my objectives for 2014-2015 will be to attend events at every Chapter, and I look forward to meeting those of you I don’t already know, when the programming season kicks into full gear in the fall. In the meantime I welcome your comments, questions and feedback. I can be reached at or by phone at (604) 640-4804.