Yvette Lokker, President & CEO
“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.”
Winston S. Churchill
I am always overwhelmed by the generosity of our members. Whether it is giving up their own time to volunteer on boards and committees, providing feedback through surveys so that we can make more informed submissions to the regulators, or speaking at our professional development events, our members are always willing to share their experiences and expertise. They make CIRI the relevant organization it is today.
As a member of and volunteer for CIRI before joining the staff, I understand the value of being actively involved in the organization. An engaged membership means fantastic networking opportunities, high quality education, informed submissions to the regulators and invaluable resources for all CIRI members.
From time to time, we come to you seeking your participation in a survey or to assist with a new initiative. I hope that you will take the time to provide your perspective. In fact, I challenge you to get involved in one or more of the initiatives we are undertaking in the second half of this year. Please:
- Contribute IR-relevant documents to the resource library that we are developing this summer;
- Participate in the governance research we will be conducting in the fall; and
- Tell us about your IR practices when we do the IR responsibilities and compensation survey in the winter.
After all, we do what we do for you – the IR professionals of Canada.
Get the most out of your CIRI membership. Get involved!