2014 volume 24 issue 4

Thanks to Speakers, Sponsors and Exhibitors

CIRI has received great feedback from the Annual Conference. The Conference earned a rating of 85% for the 'overall' experience and 99% of the delegates 'would recommend' the Conference to a colleague. That’s pretty impressive! 

CIRI extends sincere thanks to the many distinguished speakers for generously sharing their time and expertise. To review the complete list of speakers and their bios, click here.

Thanks also to the following sponsors and exhibitors for providing special support for the 2014 Conference.


National Strategic Partners:

      Business Wire
      CNW Group

Platinum Sponsors:

      Broadridge Investor Communications
      IR Magazine
      The Works Design Communications
      TSX Company Services

Gold Sponsors:

      Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP
      RR Donnelley
      TD Bank Group

Silver Sponsors:

      Aequitas Innovations Inc.
      TMX Equicom



     Broadridge Investor Communications

     Business Wire

     CFA Institute

     Chorus Call Canada Corporation

     CNW Group


     Craib Design & Communications


     Laurel Hill Advisory Group

     Listed Magazine


     NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions

     PGi Canada

     Richard Ivey School of Business
     RR Donnelley
     S&P Capital IQ
     TSX Company Services
     Virtua Research

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