Yvette Lokker, President & CEO
IR Issues Webinars – Keeping you current in just one hour!
It seems that the regulatory landscape continues to evolve: issuers have new disclosure requirements for board diversity; the proxy voting infrastructure is under review: there are renewed efforts related to a national securities regulator; and more.
So how do IR practitioners stay on top of these changes when they have so many other responsibilities and limited time and resources? They tap into the issues-related resources that CIRI offers. In our last member needs survey, issues education and advocacy was identified as one of the top three reasons why members belong to CIRI. Not only do we educate our members on proposed and amended regulations that impact issuers, we also affect change by representing the voice of our members on these proposals.
This year, we are introducing something new to keep our members current on key regulatory issues that directly impact the IR role. Twice per year, CIRI’s Issues Committee will be hosting members only IR Issues Webinars to discuss the hot IR issues of the day with relevant speakers so that you can hear about these changes firsthand and have an opportunity to voice your opinion directly.
The first one-hour webinar is scheduled for May 13. During this webinar, we will be focusing on the early warning reporting threshold and proxy voting infrastructure. Other topics will be identified closer to the date the proposals or amended regulations are issued. Mark the date and be a part of this thought-provoking discussion!