2015 volume 25 issue 3

Savvy investors have always looked at broad social and environmental trends – a graying population, resource shortages, emerging technologies – to inform their investment perspective. Today, however, some financial powerhouses are now creating funds built around foretelling the future, and separating the winners from the losers based on these predictions. | Read Article |

What To Do When All Around You Are Faltering?


It happens: your entire industry goes through a massive downdraft and all peer stocks falter in the market. The oil and gas industry has just experienced a major downturn, driven by lower oil prices. Mining stocks a couple of years ago fell out of favour, and it was the financial stocks in 2008-2009 that got pummelled, due to the financial crisis, which took lots of companies down. For reasons often unforeseen, there are major corrections from time to time. What do you do? Should you play turtle, or pound the pavement? | Read Article |

Continuing globalization of our capital markets underscores the obvious benefits of a common set of global financial accounting and disclosure standards. In fact, over the past 10 years accounting standards setters and securities regulators in virtually all the developed global economies have, like Canada, agreed to abandon their national accounting standards in favour of a consistent set of international standards. | Read Article |

Connecting in a Mobile World


Did you hear the news? On April 21 the Internet world was forever changed by what is adorably being called ‘Mobilegeddon’. For those of us who are not tech junkies, Mobilegeddon probably passed without so much as a blink. However, what it signifies should matter to anyone trying to effectively reach online audiences. | Read Article |

Mitigating the Downside In A Crisis


Communicating good news is easy, but how and when IROs deliver bad news is equally, if not more, important. There is a broad spectrum of difficult news that may have to be shared with the market, including poor financial results, cost overruns, project delays, operational upsets, onsite emergencies, and personnel issues. The fact of the matter is, no matter how you dress up any of these scenarios, the market, shareholders, media, and other stakeholders will react negatively. However, the silver lining in the grey cloud is that you can mitigate the downside. | Read Article |