Yvette Lokker, President & CEO
In June, I attended a summit of leaders of several IR associations from around the world, including NIRI (U.S.), AIRA (Australasia), IRS (UK) and DIRK (Germany). This group gets together annually to discuss trends and advancements in the IR profession, as well as professional development and regulatory and capital market changes affecting investor relations in each of the jurisdictions. While many of our association-related issues are similar, those on the regulatory front tend to vary.
During the meeting there was discussion of internships for students interested in joining the IR profession. Like CIRI, other IR associations often get inquiries about intern positions with issuers in their geographic regions. There has also been interest in accessing intern positions in other countries. As a result, the group decided that it would be beneficial to our respective members to learn of individuals from all geographies looking for intern positions.
There are many reasons for hiring an intern. Student interns could ease an IRO’s workload or take on special projects for which internal resources are not available. Interns tend to be motivated and bring increased productivity, new ideas and perspectives, and they are generally technologically savvy. If you are looking for additional human resources, consider hiring an intern and giving back to the community by educating future IR professionals.
You may recall that earlier this year I asked IROs if they were interesting in placing Seneca students. By way of reminder, here is what is required of an employer when hiring an intern. You are expected to engage students in meaningful work related to their program, with some overall guidance and support. Students typically get paid $14-$16 an hour. You may be able to offset some of this expense via co-op tax credits. The Government of Ontario, through the Canada Revenue Agency, provides refundable tax credits to employers who hire students enrolled in an Ontario university or college co-op program. Your company can be reimbursed up to $3,000 for each student placement provided. More details on this tax credit can be found here: www.fin.gov.on.ca/en/credit/cetc.
If you are interested in hiring an intern, please watch for email blasts or get in touch with me directly.
Enjoy the rest of your summer!