Canadian Companies Score Points in Proxy Arena LEAD ARTICLE In 2014, Canadian companies witnessed fewer board-related and transaction-related proxy contests, with management posting its strongest showing since 2011, according to the latest update of Fasken Martineau DuMoulin's Canadian proxy contest study. | Read Article |
Consolidation, Consolidation Everywhere, And What’s the Thought to Think? INVESTMENT COMMUNITY PERSPECTIVE Consolidation is happening all around us, driven mainly by technological advances that allow us all to be more efficient. Adopt, adapt, or get pushed aside. And the evolution (it is not a revolution) is happening everywhere in our business: issuers (industry), the sell-side and the buy-side. Understanding what companies face to deliver their messages effectively is likely now as important (if not more so) as the message itself. Think Marshal McLuhan's evolutionary and thought provoking book, The Medium Is the Message. | Read Article |
Significant Changes Proposed to Canada’s Take-Over Bid Regime SECURITIES REGULATION AND IR On March 31, 2015, the Canadian Securities Administrators (the ‘CSA’) published proposed amendments to Canada’s take-over bid regime which, if implemented, will significantly change the landscape governing the execution of take-over bids. | Read Article |
Proposed Deferral of the Effective Date of New Global Revenue Standard – What Is Going On and What Does It Mean For You? FINANCIAL REPORTING AND IR In May 2014, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and the U.S. Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) published their new joint Revenue Standard (IFRS 15/ASC Topic 606). In response to concerns expressed by users, the standard setters formed a transition group (the TRG) to consider implementation issues, and the group did indeed identify some potential for unintended diversity in practice. | Read Article |
Beyond the Numbers: Successfully Using Video to Tell Your IR Story SOCIAL MEDIA AND IR In investor relations we rarely think of our job as that of a storyteller. However, storytelling is at the root of much of what we do in IR. The role of IR is to communicate key information about the company in a factual, clear and hopefully compelling way. No matter how fantastic the financial and operating results or how brilliant the strategy, if you are unable to effectively communicate this to your audience you will not get noticed. | Read Article |
Taking Stock in the Summertime CANADIAN IR PRACTITIONER PERSPECTIVE Summertime is often a period of vacation, taking in festivals and enjoying more moments with family and friends. With life being more relaxed, it is a great time to sit back and take stock of your IR program so that you are ready to hit the ground running in September. | Read Article |