Meghan Brown, National Board Chair
Greetings fellow CIRI members,
With the return of warm weather across most of Canada, proxy season is in full swing. It’s that time of year that brings a certain unique element of stress and anxiety as we prepare for our annual meetings. Whether you are the author, editor, or contributor, many of you will play a role in the preparation of annual meeting materials – a task getting more complex than ever with the increasing scrutiny of the proxy advisors. As the rules and requirements change, we need to keep up.
Proxy voting is just one area where rapid changes are happening in the sphere of the IRO’s work, and CIRI is providing members with the tools and information you need to keep up. Some of the other issues CIRI is educating its members on include Say-on-Pay, Board Diversity, Resource Industry Tax Reporting, and Shareholder Rights Plans/Take-Over Bid Regimes, to name a few. Your CIRI membership provides you with access to Briefs and Backgrounders on all the latest trends and topics.
My term as Board Chair is nearing its end and I will hand over the reins to Brian Ector at the upcoming AGM in Quebec City in June. Brian is the SVP of Capital Markets and Public Affairs at Baytex Energy Corp. in Calgary. A former top-rated oil and gas bank analyst, Brian’s background and skill set will serve CIRI well. Those of you who know Brian will no doubt agree he is a talented IR professional who is both thoughtful and thorough, professionally and personally. The CIRI Board will be in good hands under his watch.
The CIRI AGM will be held at the Annual Conference in Quebec City and I hope to see you there. There are many reasons to visit Quebec City at any time, but the CIRI Conference represents a chance to learn from the best and have some fun on the side. The city offers old-world charm and elegance – the Old Town has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage site, and the Chateau Frontenac is said to be the world’s most photographed hotel! You won’t want to miss it.
As always, I welcome your comments, questions and feedback on anything CIRI related. I can be reached at or by phone at (604) 640-4804.
Meghan Brown
Chair, CIRI National Board of Directors